Tuesday, December 29, 2009

December 2009

Getting ready to go and have her picture taken with Santa.

Skylar Isabelle and Santa Claus.

Umm....Momma, who's this man with the hairy face?

Okay...I've had enough....can we go now?

Helping Momma with the wrapping paper.

Feeding herself breakfast at our hotel on Christmas Eve.

Sleeping off her 15-month-old vaccinations.

Loving on the baby that Grandma gave her for Christmas.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The first week of November

Chowing down on her cheezy wrap from Taco Bell.

See what a mess she made of it? If it's got cheese on it, in it or somewhere near it she's all over it! She loves bread and butter too.

Look at those big brown eyes. I get lost in them every day.

Skylar and Jordan at the food bowl. She says, "It's dinner time Ma...I even got my bib on!"

All dressed and ready for church.

She sat like a big girl in the rocking chair on the front porch and ate her lunch.

Momma sang songs while Skylar clapped her hands.

No can't have none of my sammich!

See this dude behind me? He's our lawn guy and I have a crush on him. Shhhh....don't tell Momma!

Helping Daddy with the lawn bags.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Amongst the autum leaves

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Skylar at play - 1 year old!

In her jammies (at 11:oopm because she refused to go to bed) playing with her Leap Frog activity table.

Lookin' for a way to hot-wire this car and get on up outta this place!

In her jail, I mean, her playpen....playing with her box of little toys.

I think I'll just help Momma with these dishes.

Playing with the remote to the of her favorite things.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Random summer photos

I told Skylar if she didn't behave herself Momma was going to send her back in the box she came in. Here she is sitting in the box that her Grammy and Peepaw sent her with her Alaska bear they got when they cruised to Alaska earlier this summer.

And here she is with that bear. We really haven't given any names to her stuffed animals and toys. We'll let her do that when she starts talking and learning new words.

We were all ready to go to Karen and Bill's house for dinner. Pootie got bored and untied her shoes.

Driving around the back deck in her bunny pajamas and her sneakers.

Have you ever seen such a sweet face? She was sleepy when I put her in the tub. This is how I got such a sweet little sad-faced look.

Baby Diva - modeling her new sunglasses from Gymboree.

Hanging out our last night in Florida at Aunt Lovely's house. Aunt Lovely bought her a wand and pretty princess tiara that she wore with her Braves outfit.

By the time we came back from Florida Skylar was sleeping in the bed with us because she wouldn't sleep in the playpen when we were down there. She moved around in the bed so much that she wiggled her way right up onto her Daddy's c-pap machine at the head of the bed.

She and Jordan had just woke up.

The Baby Diva is at it again! She looks like she jumped right out of an Austin Powers movie!

Tearing up Daddy's c-pap mask.

Here she sits on a blanket outside - enjoying the evening mosquitoes since she had bug stuff on her.

Sitting on our neighbor's front lawn, laughing and enjoying watching the older kids play and ride their bikes.

This was the day "after" she took her big dive off the bed into the end table. It looked ten times worse the day of the incident.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day weekend

Momma and Skylar have this new thing where we sit side by side at the computer...she in her daddy's chair and I in mine. Friday evening she sat there all content-like and amused herself with an empty water bottle for about fifteen minutes. Those of you who know my daughter know that fifteen minutes for her to be focused on any one thing is a monumental achievement for her. I took a video (which I will try to post later to our videos page) where she is hitting herself with the water bottle and then belly laughing because she thought it was so funny. I think she's about ready to start holding her own bottle. Yay for me!

Reading (more like, looking and slobbering all over) the back cover of her Hannah Montana CD kept her busy for another five minutes until she got mad at Miley Cyrus and threw her on the floor!

Saturday morning she nibbled on a cracker before her breakfast. Most of this cracker ended up a mushy mess on the end of her nose.

Saturday night she sat on the couch all dressed up pretty waiting to go to Tina's birthday party.

Sitting on Daddy's lap....waiting for John to finish grilling the steaks on the grill for the fajitas!

After we came home from having a great time at Tina's party Skylar got in her jammies (aren't they adorable?) and laid in Momma's chair watching Wow Wow Wubzy play kickety kick ball.

Sunday afternoon we met Aunt Sharon, Susie, Donnie, Steven, Ally, Ashley, Caitlin, Marla, Randy and Levi at Applebees in Dawsonville for lunch. We got together for multiple reasons. One was to celebrate Mother's Day but also because it was Ally's birthday and Steven was leaving for boot camp the next day. Skylar had a great time reading the menu. She's such a big girl.

Here she is having a taste of Momma's steak.

What's that Momma? can not have your steak back.....nummy num.

This is her grouchy "I-just-woke-up" face.